
The article is dedicated to the problem of identifying strategic groups in the business education market. The authors conducted a systematic review of publications on the topic. The object of the research is the developed markets of business education in the USA and Western Europe, the subject of the research is the groups of relatively homogeneous educational institutions that demonstrate similar strategic behaviour (strategic groups). For researchers, dividing market participants into strategic groups is the basis for identifying efficiency factors in the respective groups, and for heads of educational institutions and market regulators, it is a prerequisite for constructing meaningfully interpreted rankings and business school ratings. The purpose of the work is to identify trends in changes of the business-schools grouping approaches and the factors underlying such groupings. The authors revealed a shift of researchers' the emphasis from the characteristics of educational programs offered by schools to the positioning of schools in a wide social and educational environment. Although the strategic analysis level is growing, the discussion topic remains fragmented and covers only a part of the business education markets.

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