
The presented study is devoted to the coverage of the issues related to the development of the potential of a modern employee. Certain aspects of the developmental features and the role of management in enterprises and organizations are considered. The article reflects the latest trends in the theory and practice of 21st century management, in particular, the emergence of the «human factor» in the first place.The aim of the study is to form a systematic view of the role of management in ensuring the effective development of the personnel of organizations, which will allow them not only to «survive», but also to win in difficult competitive conditions. The study uses the following methods: comparison, analysis and synthesis of information, the method of collecting and summarizing information.An important place in the article is given to the consideration of those aspects of the external environment that have led to the inevitability of shifting priorities in the personnel management system of a modern company, on the basis of which their effective development is possible. One of these priorities is the mandatory development of competencies of workers of various levels and specialties, which, in turn, involves the development and implementation of not only a complex of modern professional knowledge, practical skills, but also the ability to use modern communication technologies, gain new knowledge, develop emotional intelligence and things like that.Attention is paid to the practical aspects of implementing a new approach to personnel management and key «points» of attention on the part of company management. The following points are recognized: the formation of common values within the company; the establishment of understanding between all parts of the production (supply) process and consumption of the product: owners, investors, employees, consumers, other interested parties; the formation of a sense of confidence among employees and their coaching support; providing flexibility and liveliness in relations, the parity basis of relations between management and subordinates.It is determined that the so-called high-potential employees (HiPo) are the most promising in the long run. The article presents a list of the main tasks of the company’s management for the development of such employees in order to obtain the greatest return from them in the future. The presented proposals can be used in the practice of any company that seeks to take a worthy place in the modern economy.

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