
The article attempts to explain the role and place of man in social production and the impact on this process of organizational behavior of staff. The essence and content of the main categories that characterize the organizational behavior of personnel in the process of production activities are revealed. It was found that the effective organizational behavior of staff contributes not only to improving the microclimate in the team and improving the relationship between managers and subordinates, but also to increase the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise. Views on the organizational behavior of staff from the standpoint of various sciences such as philosophy, sociology, political science, psychology, economics and others. The peculiarities of the philosophical approach to the behavior of staff and the opinion of leading scientists on this category are studied. In the study, much attention is paid to the socio-psychological approach to the formation of organizational behavior of the organization's staff. The classification of behaviors according to certain characteristics, among which special attention should be paid to: business behavior, interpersonal behavior, managerial behavior, executive behavior, controlled and uncontrolled behavior, planned and spontaneous behavior, desirable and undesirable behavior, creative behavior, indifferent behavior, effective and ineffective behavior. behavior. In the course of the research, the essence of the category of work behavior and the approaches of various scientists to this concept were clarified. The views of not only domestic but also foreign scientists on the organizational behavior of staff and its role in the management of the organization are analyzed and considered. Common and distinctive features that include such concepts as work activity and work behavior have been studied. As a result of the research, the essence of the studied concepts and categories of their common and distinctive features approaches from the standpoint of various sciences and scientists, both domestic and foreign in relation to these categories. It was found that the only approach to this problem in science is unfortunately missing.

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