
In a market-oriented economy, the success of table grape production is demand-driven, with most table grape consumers citing muscat fla-vor as the primary desirable trait. This article presents the ampelographic and agrobiological characteristics of the grape variety Blestyash-chiy breeding from All-Russian Research Insti-tute for Viticulture and Winemaking– Branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «FRARC». It was obtained as a result of crossing the varieties Victoria and Original Be-lyi, allocated in the elite in 2005. Variety’s study was carried out according to generally accepted methods in the conditions of the No-vocherkassk, Rostov region at the experi-mental vineyards, the culture of vine is not ir-rigated, uncovered, grafted, rootstock Ber-landieri × Riparia Kober 5BB, the formation is the standard fan type on trunk. The grape vari-ety for table use, super early ripening period, is characterized by good winter- hardiness, high potential yield, attractive appearance of ber-ries, pronounced muscat aroma of berries. On a single-plane trellis, with a planting pattern of 3 m × 1.5 m, the yield from 1 bush averages 4.3 kg. Grape variety Blestyashchiy has a com-plete flower, large clusters of medium density, ellipse or ovoid berries of white-pink color, on the sunny side - bright red-pink, dense pulp. Differs in high sugar accumulation with mod-erate titrated acidity. Resistance to fungal dis-eases is average. Used for fresh consumption. The tasting rating of fresh grapes averages 8.6 points on a ten-point rating scale. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the tendency to overload the bushes with the harvest and the uneven coloring of the berries, which can be fought with special agrotechnical methods.

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