
The study of socio-intellectual forms of language meets the needs of modern linguistics that considers language in close connection with an individual, his mentality and worldview. In general, the modern scientific paradigm is based on the principle of conditional linguistic differentiation in a heterogeneous society. In this context, youth language is an important area of linguistic research, being a clear indicator of the current state of society and language variability. In the sociolect of youth (SY) all the processes of a natural language develop many times faster and are available for direct observation. The structure of lexical, grammatical and phonetic systems of modern SY in the Ukrainian and English languages is considered in the work. The lexical structure includes the standard segment and the substandard (sociolect) segment, within which certain stylistically reduced and socially marked structural elements are distinguished, the quantitative and qualitative structure of these elements creates a partial situation of socio-stylistic lexical diglossia due to the lot of substandard lexicons. The grammatical parameters of SY demonstrate differential peculiarities of their functioning as an oral dialogic type of speech and sociolinguistic parameters of communicators. Emotional coloring, spontaneity, situation peculiarities determine the presence of certain features of SY grammatical subsystem, which are represented by variable types of expressive syntax, certain means of morphological level. The low frequency of substandard elements at the grammatical level, the sporadic nature of their manifestation does not give grounds to single out the substandard grammatical subsystem within the CY. Sociolinguistic characteristics of SY carriers and sociolinguistic parameters of youth communication determine the emotional and modal tension of speech among the youth, which is actualized by a set of phonetic parameters.

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