
The paper discusses cases of language condensation (language economy) caused by social changes in media electronic texts created during the pandemic. Special emphasis is placed on lexical and syntactic condensation. The following major cases of lexical condensation have emerged: participle adjectivization and substantivisation, new biaspectual verbs with the suffix -iram/-iziram, nouns formed by means of suffixation from motivating biaspectual verbs, abbreviation and composition as word-formation mechanisms, appositive collocations. The following cases of syntactic condensation are observed: monocomponential subjectless sentences with personal indefinite reference containing the predicate karantiniram (to quarantine) and the omission of the phrase de-noting the active subject in passive constructions. The study also highlights the relation-ship between the tendency towards linguistic condensation and other interlingual trends of development in grammar. Conclusions are drawn about the reasons for language condensation in texts related to the coronavirus, which are determined not only linguistically but also pragmatically. Keywords: language condensation (language economy), social changes, lexical condensation, syntactic condensation, adjectivization, substantivization, biaspectual verbs, Bulgarian language

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