
GLRaV-3 is a systemic phloem virus, has been detected in almost all wine regions of the world and is responsible for significant economic damage. The use of healthy breeding material is crucial for the control of vine diseases caused by viruses, due to the lack of established treatment for viral diseases in the field conditions. In this study, we conducted a series of experiments on thermotherapy on grape cuttings that had passed the dormant period in order to determine the most effective mode of healing of grape cuttings from the GLRaV-3 virus. The data obtained by us in the course of this study give an idea that the most effective for the release of planting material from the curlytop virus of grapes-3 are thermotherapy regimes with a high duration in combination with high temperature. This method is a good alternative to chemotherapy or can be used together with it to increase the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process.

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