In the presence of the COVID-19 epidemic, due to quarantine measures, millions of people around the world are under the stress of infection and have to adapt to new conditions of social functioning. The high risk of developing of mixed anxiety-depressive adaptation disorders in the presence of COVID-19 quarantine measures determines the relevance of this study. Study purpose. To study the prevalence and clinical level of mixed anxiety-depressive disorders in medical personnel under the COVID-19 quarantine regime. Material and methods. 51 employees of the Republican national enterprise on the right of economic jurisdiction “Republican scientific and practical center of mental health” (RSPCMH) were examined: doctors, junior and medium-level medical personnel. The main study method is psychometric (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score – HADS). Results and discussion. The work presents an analytical review of literature data on the problem of adaptation disorders and current international studies on mental disorders in medical workers under the COVID-19 quarantine regime. According to the results of this study, affective disorders in the form of depressive and anxiety-depressive reactions within the framework of adaptation disorders were detected in 37.3% of the medical staff of the RSPCMH. Conclusions. It was found that the higher the risk of COVID-19 infection, the more often depression is detected and in departments with a lower risk of infection, more often mixed anxiety-depressive disorders are detected. Preventive measures aimed at increasing the stress tolerance of medical workers are recommended. Key words: COVID-19, stress, adaptation disorders, anxiety, depression, stress protectors, tranquilizers.
Рс эОтиЛм ЬраОзрКнаабАзоатНткраАокноГунлЛцаесИптцрФиаинЛыохвОрсаенЗхыИкпоснНитхиАинченеВсткоовПг.оВРздсАвоярКзои-ТИинКосвЕулиецнСиод,Оычт[Во7]сР.рПеЕдроиМввеодЕзернНансытНнмыОихиГксасОтлеегдоВорвиРайнАиняаЧмибиАотла:екежтеяужсетлаовбьыятьнасспМеоллеУнныиЛямЬвоТсунсИолвоЭавнииФяехмФпоатнЕндееКсмеТиниаЫккочриИоснлауНвисОлроужВсанЫемйошжЕиехтВОпямеЗриеМкнаоОрсаянтЖтсионНцаиОпаолСьCнOТуюVИIиDзТ-о1л9Ея,цпРиоюАж,иПолбыИуеслИлоювдлиениндуеютиус[8л]о.витеоретическихПи пАраЦктИичЕескНихТвОопВросСов сСовАреХмеАннРойНпсЫи- М ДИПоАслБеднЕиТе иОссМледо2ваТниИя пПокАазывают, что хронический хиатрии, затрагивающих проблемы многих смежных с стресс приводит к продолжительному угнетению иммунпсихиатрией и общей медициной дисциплин
millions of people around the world are under the stress of infection
of mixed anxiety-depressive adaptation disorders in the presence of COVID-19 quarantine measures determines the relevance of this study
MIXED ANXIETY-DEPRESSIVE ADAPTATION DISORDERS IN THE PRESENCE OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC. Nikolay A NEGAI1, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6635-1765, Natalya I RASPOPOVA2, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8456-1822, Kuanysh S ALTYNBEKOV1, https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-3755-0914, Maria Sh DZHAMANTAYEVA3, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9576-1184, Natalya N LOGACHEVA1, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7802-1624. In the presence of the COVID-19 epidemic, due to quarantine measures, millions of people around the world are under the stress of infection and have to adapt to new conditions of social functioning. The high risk of developing of mixed anxiety-depressive adaptation disorders in the presence of COVID-19 quarantine measures determines the relevance of this study. To study the prevalence and clinical level of mixed anxiety-depressive disorders in medical personnel under the COVID-19 quarantine regime
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