
Statement of the problem. The article deals with the main mythological projections of the English series Robin of Sherwood, a cult mystical film of the 1980s dedicated to the legendary English robber Robin Hood. The purpose of the article is to holistically analyze the main mythological images and plots that are recreated over the course of three seasons of the series and form its ideological and compositional basis. The research methodology is determined by the traditions of mythopoetic analysis based on the studies of famous Western European mythologists (M. Oldhouse-Green, S. Knight, D. Campbell, B. Branston, P. Smith, S. Cox). As a result of the study, an interpretation is given to the images of Robin Hood and Herne the hunter, mythologems of human sacrifice, including the image of Kromm Cruach, the Wild Hunt. It is proved that the magical artifacts of the series are the Silver Arrow, the Albion sword, King Arthur’s Round Table, Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation), the main treatise of Jewish mysticism of the 2-6th centuries n. e., the “ring of nine maidens”, the genesis of which is associated with mythological ideas about the Celtic goddess Brigid and the Welsh goddess Arianrhod. The conclusions substantiate the reasons that made this series cult for the era of the 1980s. It is noted that many screen versions of the story of the English noble robber in the 21st century are directorial responses to the demands of their time.

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