
The article analyzes the topic of scientific production of Ukrainian scientists, which discusses the methodology of research on the problems of education management in the period from the second half of the twentith century to the beginning of the twenty-first century. The sample of analyzed scientific literature incorporated the peculiarities of the development of methodological knowledge and theory of methodology for the study of educational management problems in Ukrainian science. Scientific and methodological literature, monographs, theses and articles on the methodology of pedagogical research, which is the basis of the methodology of educational management research, are included in the review in addition to scientific products devoted directly to the methodology of educational management research. Some studies on the methodology of cognition and research methodology of other sciences, which include the subject of education management, were also analyzed. The direction of the topic, the dynamics of its change and distribution are considered, the comparison with the subject of scientific production on the methodology of research of other humanities, the methodology of pedagogical research, etc. are observed according to the periods defined by the author. The conclusions are based on the obtained results in general features of the development of methodological knowledge in accordance with the logic of science development. It has been found out that the concept of “methodology” has appeared in the titles of publications since the 1980-s, which testifies to the separation of methodology from the philosophy and logic of science and its recognition by scientists as an independent scientific field. The revealed changes in the directions of the topic illustrate that the formation of theoretical knowledge is preceded by the accumulation of empirical knowledge. The development of methodology of the research of education management problems, its formation features are outlined. The thematic of periods and types of science products are systematized. Particular attention is drawn to finding out which components of methodological knowledge manifest the peculiarities of methodology up to the specific science field. The specifics of methodology of education management problems research are identified for the tasks and the subject of the research in the field of education management.
 Keywords: education management, development of methodology, methodology of research, methodology of research of education management problems, scientific topics, research issue, scientific products, development of theoretical knowledge.

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