
Block Truncation Coding, or BTC, is a type of lossy image compression technique for grayscale images. It divides the original images into blocks and then reduces the number of grey levels in each block to compute the mean and standard deviation. BTC has also been adapted to video compression. Another variation of BTC is Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding. AMBTC is computationally simpler than BTC. In this paper, we proposed new image compression method based on BTC, which is applied patterns to improve compression rate and image quality. This method make two codebooks to extract 36 and 64 patterns from the highest frequency patterns in BTC. When you are compressing an image, you compare many block patterns to that of codebook and use to compress indexes of identical patterns. We experiment our proposed scheme with 36 patterns and the experimental results showed the compression rate of 1.37 bpp. In this paper, our proposed scheme showed higher compression rate rather than that of BTC. In experiment, we used standard images for the performance evaluation.

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