
The present article highlights the features of the geological structure, sedimentation conditions and the influence tectonic evolution factors on the petroleum potential within the eastern edge of the Precaspian basin. According to the features of the geological structure and lithological characteristics of the sedimentary formations of the eastern edge of the Precaspian basin, different facies zones can be distinguished, corresponding to the distinguished structural-formational zones with several types of Paleozoic sections. НЕФТЬ И ГАЗ 2021 1 (121) 7 ГЕОЛОГИЯ Based on the comparison of the Paleozoic sections for the eastern edge of the Precaspian basin it is concluded that collision tectonics was the major factor for sedimentation. Vertical facies succession influenced by tectonics and sea level fluctuations. Carbonate platforms played an important role in the distribution of sedimentary material and controlled the depth of the sea, which influenced on the composition and texture of the rocks. The presence of carbonate platforms was also reflected in the reduced thickness of the Lower Permian sediments, which are less presented within the carbonate platforms stratigraphic section comparing to the adjacent relatively deep-water areas located to the west outside the carbonate platforms. The structure of carbonate platforms was to the largest extent defined by the thrust tectonics and that controlled the distribution of oil and gas fields and potential traps.

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