
Animal husbandry in the Astrakhan region ranks the highestpriority in the milk production which is a core industry with specific advantages of the region. In the structure of agricultural production the industry occupies about 40% and is characterized by the high agricultural production potential. The diversification and development of small forms of management, the improvement of agrarian policy are accompanied by qualitative changes in the organization of agricultural production. The creation of institutions for the industry development represented by state programs ofagricultural development and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs of the Russian Federation did not fully provide the achievement of the set goals and objectives. As a result, numerous problems have accumulated in the country's livestock sector, resulting in a steady reducing milk production and cattle number, including cows. New economic challenges increase the relevance of research and requirements to increase the validity of the formation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of program activities of the subjects of the Russian Federation. A comprehensive analysis of the condition and trends of livestock development carried out on the basis of a two-factor multiplicative model and an assessment of the impact of quantitative and qualitative indicators will allow to form directions for further institutional development of the agro-industrial complex of the region.

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