
이 연구는 "조중 우호협력 및 상호원조조약"을 중심으로 북중관계를 전망한다. 북한과 중국은 1961년 체결한 "조중 우호협력 및 상호원조조약"을 통해 공식적인 동맹 관계를 맺고 있다. 이 조약 제2는 ‘체약 일방이 무력 침공을 당함으로써 전쟁 상태에 처하게 되는 경우에 체약 상대방은 모든 힘을 다하여 지체없이 군사적 및 기타 원조를 제공한다’ 라고 명시하고 있다. 이 연구는 조약 2조의 자동 개입 조항이 여전히 실효성이 있다고 분석한다. 또한 북중관계가 미국과 중국의 패권 경쟁과 북한의 핵무기 보유로 인해 군사 동맹을 넘어서 서로를 전략적 자산으로 인식하는 수준으로 발전되어온 과정을 분석한다. Since 1961, China and North Korea have been officially allied through the China-Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance. The main goal of this treaty is to ensure mutual military assistance and protection between the two states. Today, sixty-one years later, this treaty still stands. However, the relationship between China and North Korea has been shifting over the past six decades. In 1961, China and North Korea were primarily aiming to be military partners. However, today they are shifting away from focusing on the military aspect of their relationship and moving towards putting a heavier focus on being strategic political assets to one another. This shift is being driven by changing situations in the international community, such as North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons and the escalating rivalry between the United States and China. Given the sometimes inconsistent and seemingly irrational actions of these two countries in dealing with the North Korean nuclear issue and the United Nations, people may wonder, what does the future of this relationship between China and North Korea look like? The ability of this relationship to evolve and mold itself to fit changing international situations is going to allow it to survive and strengthen for many years to come. This conclusion has been proven through qualitative research and analysis of each article contained in the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance, as well as analysis of the impacts of the North Korean nuclear crisis, the United States-China rivalry, and China’s growing power.

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