
The article is devoted to the study of trends in the socio-economic development of single-industry cities of the Ural Federal District and the Ural economic region, their typology in accordance with industry specifics, the development of proposals for improving the economic situation in this type of settlements. The choice of territories for the study was dictated by the special uniqueness of the Ural Federal District. It lies not only in the fact that 37 monotowns of the macroregion make up a third of its entire urban environment — almost 20% of the district's residents (with the all-Russian one — slightly less than 10% of the country's population), but also in the fact that all mono-settlements are concentrated in three constituent entities of the district out of six : Kurgan region (4), Sverdlovsk region (17) and Chelyabinsk region (16). And for them the share of the population of single-industry towns is already more than 30%. In addition, in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, single-industry towns form single-industry districts (this kind of phenomenon still exists only in the Kemerovo region). An increase in the values of the decile coefficient, the unemployment rate and the proportion of the population living at the poverty line can lead not only to an increase in social tension and an increase in crime, but also to outbursts of protest actions. In this regard, the study of trends in the socio-economic development of monotowns in the Urals has a high scientific and practical relevance and significance for the sustainable development of Russia.

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