
The article defines the necessity of involving e-learning of teachers’ assistants in postgraduate pedagogical education to ensure their continuous professional development on the job. The authors have studied the European experience on inclusive teaching and learning and e-resources that can be used in postgraduate pedagogical education of teachers’ assistants. In this article you can find the results of e-learning readiness survey of teachers’ assistants and their choice of postgraduate education forms: intramural, distance learning, blended learning. The authors have analyzed which forms of instructions meet the needs of teachers’ assistants: individual programs of professional development, online consultations, e-coaching, blended learning. The conditions for e-learning implementation in postgraduate education have been defined, they are as follows: the availability of informational and educational environment (multimedia-materials, distance learning on inclusive education, online group for mutual help and messaging, online expert help: teachers and experts available for online consultations, Q&A and managing forums); digital competency of the learners (information search and sharing ideas via the Internet; developing e-resources for inclusive education); motivation of teachers for continuous professional development and their willingness to cooperate online. It is proved that e-learning is an essential precondition for continuous professional development of teachers’ assistants. The model of teachers’ assistants’ e-learning in postgraduate pedagogical education has been presented. We defined examples of didactic tasks during the implementation of e-learning and examples of implementation based on the usage of information and communication technologies (consultations, communication of educational information, sharing experience, monitoring and evaluation). E-learning for teachers’ assistants allows to: determine their personal speed, time and the sequence of learning; create individual learning paths within information and educational environment and develop personal learning networks.

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