
The article is devoted to the study of a factor that can influence the consumer market of the region, but has not been fully explored so far. The hypothesis is being tested that development poles may arise in the capital regions, reducing the economic potential of the regions located between them. Close proximity to the capitals, relatively low time and financial costs of moving, attractive offers on the labor market in the capital regions, differentiation of the breadth and depth of the assortment on the goods and services market – these and other features characterize the economic system of the intercapital. In this study, the goal is to consider the dynamics of the statistical indicators of the consumer market of the Russian-Belarusian intercapital in comparison with national indicators. The retail trade turnover and the volume of paid services to the population were chosen as the main indicators of the consumer market. The lag of the analyzed indicators in the intercapital region from the national values is proved. It is also confirmed by the indicators of the solvency of the population, which are discussed in the article. Graphically shows the differentiation of some regions of central Russia and Belarus in terms of average per capita indicators of the consumer market. Comparison of statistical indicators shows that the inter-capital position is a factor that can have a destructive impact on the consumer market of such regions.

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