
The article addresses the current issues of public administration in tourist activities during a state of war, focusing on the importance of effective strategies and management tools in unforeseen circumstances. The challenges facing the tourism system in a state of war are analyzed, including a decrease in tourist demand, security risks, and the need for adaptation to new conditions. In the context of a state of war, the issue of public management of tourist activities becomes particularly relevant and crucial. Military conflicts significantly impact tourism, transforming it into a complex sphere that requires effective and responsible management. Ensuring security and controlling tourist flows become primary tasks in heightened situations, demanding flexibility, strategic planning, and immediate responses to changes in the military situation from the authorities. On the other hand, public management of tourism can play a key role in the recovery and stabilization of the situation after the conflict concludes. Effective planning, the development of strategies to attract tourists, infrastructure development, and the implementation of measures to support the tourism industry can contribute to economic recovery and strengthen local communities. The article thoroughly examines the roles of government and public organizations in solving problems and ensuring stability in the tourism sector during conflicts. The importance of effective communication and developed information policies to ensure the safety and psychological comfort of tourists during a state of war is highlighted. The article discusses possibilities and strategies for restoring tourist activities after the conflict, considering the importance of advertising, stimulating investments, and supporting local businesses. The conclusion of the article summarizes the research findings and emphasizes key aspects of effective public administration in tourist activities during a state of war to ensure the industry's sustainability and development. Thus, the issue of public management of tourist activities in times of war is defined not only by security challenges but also by opportunities for development and recovery following the crisis period.

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