
The purpose of this research is to establish the principles of consumer behavior in the market of restaurant services of Zhytomyr and to segment the market of consumers of restaurant business services of the city on a number of criteria to provide producers with reliable information about the structure of demand, tastes and desires of consumers. Such information should be the basis for creating a restaurant product that will maximally meet the requirements of the market. The research methodology includes marketing research methods. These methods were applied by conducting an online survey of potential consumers of restaurant services in Zhytomyr. Thanks to the use of Internet technologies, the fundamental principle of marketing research (randomization) was ensured and enough respondents were reached. This allowed us to obtain an acceptable accuracy of research results. Statistical and graphical methods have been used in Microsoft Excel to process and visualize the results of marketing research. Results. The demographic and social portrait of a typical consumer of restaurant services in Zhytomyr is as follows: they are mostly people aged 18-29, most often men, not married, without children, with incomplete higher education (less often with full higher education), mostly students and housewives. The preferences, wishes and habits of respondents when visiting restaurants were determined by the survey results. 51% of respondents visit such facilities several times a month. At the same time, the largest share of respondents (45.8 %) identify themselves mainly as passive visitors to restaurants. Scientific novelty of the work: we established five most important factors of consumer choice of restaurant facilities (menu, prices, cleanliness of premises, politeness of personnel, speed of service). However, the role of these factors is different for different visiting purposes. The factors in case of family vacation situations, romantic, business meetings, meetings with friends, and banquet were deduced. The practical value of the work is that on the basis of a composite portrait of the consumer, the institutions of the restaurant business of the city can implement the development of differentiated marketing activities. And not only to strengthen the desirable competitive advantages, but also purposefully inform about the competitive advantages existing and potential consumers through effective means of marketing communications.

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