
AbstractFor the case of test equipments requiring data accuracy, real-time is highly required in acceptance test for performance evaluation of developed weapons. For convenience' sake, test equipments are usually developed using Windows. However Windows does not support real-time in itself. Thus, in this paper, so as to reduce development time and expenses, we design and implement an integrated middleware for real-time device drivers using RTiK-MP. Using DLL, we also support user API's for the sake of development convenience without details of the complex RTiK-MP structure. We evaluate the performance of the proposed integrated middleware using the RDTSC command which returns the number of CPU clock ticks. The evaluation results show that it operates correctly within error ranges in the periods of 1ms and 4ms for the cases of TCP/IP and RS-232, respectively. ■ keyword : ∣Windows Systems ∣Real-Time Communication ∣RTiK-MP∣TCP/IP LAN∣RS-232∣ * 본 연구는 2011년도 정부(교육과학기술부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행되었음접수번호 : #130102-001 접수일자 : 2013년 01월 02일 심사완료일 : 2013년 02월 18일교신저자 : 이철훈, e-mail : clee@cnu.ac.kr

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