
The development of relations and interactions between historical China (the Celestial, today People’s Republic of China /PRC/) and historical Russia (the Russian world, today Russian Federation /RF/) largely determines the course of political and economic processes not only in Eurasia, but – especially today – also at the global level. The goal of the proposed research is to review the Sino-Russian relations in the past and the present and predict their likely future. This goal is achieved with the tasks presented in the main sections of the work: 1. The historical legacy in the relationships and interactions of the “Celestial” with the “Russian World” – about the ups and downs in the dynamics of the past; 2. The modern world – factors and circumstances determining the positives and negatives in the Euro-Asian China-Russia part of the US-China-Russia global equation; 3. Instead of a conclusion: About the prospects of Chinese-Russian relations and interactions – optimistic, balanced, and pessimistic scenarios. The main thesis of the paper is that, despite the sometimes more-than-ambiguous historical past, today’s positive trends in the development of the relations between the PRC and the Russian Federation, which are determined by objective circumstances, create a higher probability in a shorter or longer-term perspective for an optimistic or at least balanced development scenario rather than a pessimistic one.

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