
Translation is a complex genre. It is an undeniable fact that a work of art requires a hard work, skill in order to understand nature and convey the feelings of the author. From this point of view we evaluate Sh. Murtaza as a talented translator who taught the Kazakh language to the great Kyrgyz writer Sh. Aitmatov. The article is devoted to two great personalities, for their ability to skillfully convey the national spirit, the true feelings of the artistic nature, the power of the art of the word. Sentiment of thinking in the creative personalities of Chingiz Aitmatov and Sherkhan Murtaza is analyzed on the basis of individual works of art. It is assumed that the features of the use of pictorial techniques in the translation of a work of art have their own self-actualization of the nature of the word. Engaging in the translation of an article is a creative art, including a cultural phenomenon that has its own beneficial effect on spiritual development. In this regard, the relevance of the topic is determined, the conceptual positions, the relationship of interests and goals of the two writers in the creative path are revealed. Most importantly, the integrity of the theme and idea is made obvious that Sherkhan Murtaza feeling the soul of Chingiz Aitmatov with his sharp thoughts and expressive linguistic expressions conveyed the nature of the struggle and the world of the hero in the work where comparative analysis, complex and other methods are used. Chingiz Aitmatov wrote his works of art in Kyrgyz and Russian languages. Sherkhan Murtaza also mastered the entire structure of the Russian, Kyrgyz languages, and had sufficient knowledge of the specific features of the language. Based on this, we see that Sherkhan Murtaza managed to translate the passages analyzed in the article very clearly, artistically. Based on the fragments obtained, one can directly judge the ideological specifics of a work of art, the realities of life of that time in general, and the life of people. Chingiz Aitmatov is a humanist writer who comprehensively conveys the philosophy of life, glorifying love and beauty. The manasiness of the epic style in the worldview space will also not go unnoticed. All this is successfully reflected in the translation of Sherkhan Murtaza and is perceived in the work of the great artist as a category of time and space - it is accepted as conditional concepts that serve artistic creativity. Sh. Aitmatov was a great master realist of the last century as well as Sh. Murtaza made an invaluable contribution to the development of national literature is a true supporter of spirituality, a master of words. The article provides an analysis and proves that the wide distribution of the works of Chingiz Aitmatov to Kazakh readers contributed to an increase share of a skilled translator Sherkhan Murtaza.

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