
Railway transport is one of basic industries, providing transportation of goods and passengers, and is known to be a basis of national security.Economic security of transport is determined by its possibility to satisfact demand of economic subjects on internal and international transportations qualitatively; to compete on international transportation markets; to realize its transit potential effectively.The biggest threats to economic security of transport are reduction of transit potential of Ukraine as a result of military operations on the East and occupation of Crimea, reduction of own production in basic economic industries of Ukraine, aging of rolling stock and transport buildings, and other factors.Therefore a timely task is assessment and increasing economic security level of railways which requires proper methods. Economic security of a is its state of protection from external and internal threats and its ability to adapt to changes in surroundings.In the article the calculations of economic security level of the South in 2014 - 2017 are executed and reasons of being it in the risk zone are revealed. They are: low labour productivity, reduction of current liquidity, low productivity of carriage, deepening of unprofitableness of activity of the railway.Aforementioned problems which cause low level of economic security of the regional branch South railway of public joint stock company railway are typical for all Ukrainian railways and call for creating a system of providing economic security. Its essence and properties are determined in the article. A system of providing economic security is holistic, complex, opened, having connections with surroundings, goal-oriented, non-linear, stochastic, dynamic, controllable, heterogeneous.In the article some other properties are named which should be taken into account while creating a system of providing economic security of a railway. They are: sustainability of the system, reliability, sensitiveness to the changes; this system must quickly react to the changes of surroundings. The basic tasks of the system of providing economic security of a are also determined in the article.

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