
Purpose - to improve the quality of nurses training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels by developing students' motivation, creating and improving curricula and introducing new methods of teaching palliative and hospice care. Materials and methods. Development of the teaching methodology for the palliative care nurses training; organization of the corresponding nurses training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels; organization of the student volunteer movement to develop work motivation in the field of palliative medicine. Results. Every effort should be made to help and ensure a decent quality of life, to alleviate pain and suffering for terminally ill patients and their loved ones. Therefore, qualified nurses education is one of the priorities for successful development of palliative care. Conclusions. Thus, it is necessary: to shape students’ motivation through better awareness of future professional activity in the field of palliative care; to improve the quality of palliative care and motivate health professionals to study and work, there should be an introduction to the nomenclature of specialties of nurses specialization and specialization «Palliative Medicine»; to introduce the obligatory cycle on palliative care in the list of students’ practices at health facilities for terminally ill patients; to increase the number of hours devoted to studying this discipline and introduce the topic of palliative and hospice care for children. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.

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