
Abstract . The article substantiates the modus-dictum explanatory relations, which are built on the basis of supporting verbs in the modus part with the meaning of speech, thought, sensation, perception, evaluation, existence, which require compulsory semantic clarification by the dictum part. The features of transitive modus-dictum structures (MD-structures), namely, those in which the main explanatory relationship is superimposed on another type of relationship have been analysed. These are MD-structures with explanatory-causal and explanatory-conditional relations between the modus and dictum part. The purpose of research is to analyse the features of transitional modus-dictum structures (MD-structures) with explanatory-causal and explanatory-conditional relations between the modus and dictum part of the sentence. Results of research. The concept of the semantic structure of a sentence is based on the idea of its semantic component revealing, that is the content in a certain abstraction from its external figuration. Modus and dictum are first of all components of the semantic structure of a sentence, elements of its content. It is the distinction between the two types of information contained in a sentence that determines the absence of opposition between modus and dictum. They have a fundamentally different structure of meaning, they are differently organized. Modus-dictum correlation is a relationship between elements of the semantic model, one of which is in the M-part, and the other is in the D-part of a sentence, in which both dictum and modus are expressed predicatively or lexically, namely, the corresponding linguistic expressions. MD-structure with explanatory-causal relations is characterized by one important feature that distinguishes it from other types of complex sentences with the relationship of mutual conditionality. Its essence is that these structures have the most specific semantic-syntactic connection between modus and dictum. They combine two situations of reality with explanatory-causal relations. The expressions of these relations are the semantic conjunction that. The dictum causal part informs about such action (such state, process) that is a background for other action realization (other state, process) expressed in a modus or main part of MD-structure. Thus, the dictum part indicates the reason or clarification of what is said in the modus part. The second type of transitional MD-structures is that which modus part is associated with dictum explanatory-conditional relations. It is characteristic features that in the position of the explained verb of their modus part the same lexical group of predicative units acts as in MD-structures with explanatory-causal relations. The only difference is that these predicative units are used in the form of a syntactic conditional unit, which is indicated by the link verb to be. In addition, the dictum part expresses a hypothetical action or hypothetical state and is associated with the modus conjunction if or when.

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