
Modern global challenges and threats actualize the search for ways to diversify urban development in order to increase their competitiveness and resilience to global challenges. The article proposes a conceptual approach to the diversification of local economic policy of cities (on the example of cities in the Western region of Ukraine), taking into account the loads of transformations in the structure of their economy. This approach includes the following areas: development of economic sectors with growing economic and social impact, strategic competitiveness; support for the innovative vector of development; infrastructure development and formation of a favorable business environment; digitalization of economic activity. The key principle of the policy of structural transformation of the urban economy should be to ensure sustainable community development (ie achieving economic, environmental and social balance). Other important principles are: efficiency, effectiveness and strategic orientation; social cohesion; stability (manifested in the ability of the local economy to minimize the negative effects of exogenous factors and adapt to new conditions or change the vector of its sustainable development); partnership between different stakeholders (in particular, within the framework of inter-municipal / inter-regional cooperation on the implementation of major infrastructure, social, cultural, innovative, etc. projects); innovation and efficiency. The results of the structural transformation of the urban economy must satisfy the economic, environmental and social aspects of community life. Effective implementation of local structural economic policy is possible only if: first, increasing the role of cities in their socio-economic development for effective structural change (local authorities should be the main strategists in choosing local structural policy, they should have a decisive say in choosing specific economic development programs), and secondly - compliance with the principle of coherence and synchronization of all levels of government (ie building state development priorities, preparation of regional development strategies taking into account state priorities, development of community development strategies that take into account both national priorities and strategic directions of regions/cities).

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