
The purpose of the article. The article is dedicated to the historiography of the musical genre problem – one of the most significant categories of the musical reasoning, the examination of which has a controversial nature. Different interpretations of the notion of genre in the research of the 20th-21st centuries are analyzed. The foundation of the methodology is a theoretical method of systematization, which presupposes the consideration of the scientific conceptions of genre. Other methods are also used: abstraction (to define the essential features of genre), analysis (to make connections between levels of meaning and characteristics of genre as a category), and synthesis (to perceive genre as a component of hierarchic system of music). Moreover, the historical method is applied to consider the historical typology of genre. Scientific novelty presupposes systematization of musicological experience of research of genre as a notion, definition of the contemporary tendencies of examination of genre problematic, development of theoretical discourse of genre essence of musical phenomena. Conclusion. Based on the elaboration of the research of the 20th-21st centuries the fundamental principles of the genre theory are defined; scientific conceptions of genre are systematized; conception of the “genre age” of M. Aranovskyi as an influential methodological instrument in the investigation of genre essence of music of the 20th-21st centuries is defined.


  • The article is dedicated to the historiography of the musical genre problem – one of the most significant categories of the musical reasoning, the examination of which has a controversial nature

  • The foundation of the methodology is a theoretical method of systematization, which presupposes the consideration of the scientific conceptions of genre

  • Н. Сохор // Теоретические проблемы музыкальных форм и жанров

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Лигус Ольга Марковна, кандидат искусствоведения, Киевский национальный университет культуры и искусств, Киев, Украина Відсутність чітких меж поняття жанру та необхідність сучасного осмислення цієї категорії актуалізує історіографічний аспект жанрової проблематики. Певний чинник дослідники обирали за основний критерій жанру, внаслідок чого сформувалося три основних напрями жанрової класифікації: соціомузичний

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