
The study of statistical reports including fire statistics reports, allow us to find interesting regularities, useful for specialists. It requires reliable and complete statistics, which do not always meet these re-quirements. The world fire statistics has received a powerful impetus to the development and improvement in recent decades. Many countries have begun to publish detailed annual statistical reports regarding the situa-tion with fires in their own countries and fire services activities (USA, France, UK, Italy and many others). It is possible to regularly conduct detailed comparative analysis and study the situation with fires in the world. Russian fire statistics is developing in the same direction and annually publishes informative reports that allow to get a lot of interesting information regarding the situation with fires and fire service activities in Russia. Some statistical regularities that can be extracted from these reports, are in the focus of this article. These statistical regularities may be interesting to specialists of fire safety. The article presents the trends in the number of fires and small fires in Russia in 2009-2015, the trends in the average fire losses per one fire in the cities and rural areas in 2006-2015, the trends in temporal characteristics of fire units activities (the average response time and the average time of extingu-ishing of fires) in 2007-2015. It is shown that in spite of a significant reduction in the number of fires and the temporal cha-racteristics (response time and extinguishing time) of fire units activities the fire losses are growing rapidly in the cities and in the rural areas.


  • The world fire statistics has received a powerful impetus to the development and improvement in recent decades

  • Many countries have begun to publish detailed annual statistical reports regarding the situation with fires in their own countries and fire services activities (USA, France, UK, Italy and many others)

  • Ï. Î íåêîòîðûõ çàêîíîìåðíîñòÿõ è îñîáåííîñòÿõ ðîññèéñêîé ïîæàðíîé ñòàòèñòèêè // Ïîæàðîâçðûâîáåçîïàñíîñòü

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