
Analysis of recent research and publications. Urban spaces are seen as an important component of sustainable urban development, which provides a number of advantages both at national and local level [4]. Green plants help to determine and maintain the identity of cities to promote their competitiveness, improve their attractiveness and the quality of urban life. Availability of greenery of European cities ranged from2.7 m2 inIstanbul and11.8 inSarajevo to118.2 in Marseille,4614.8 inMalaga. As a main principle of greening of settlements put forward the principle of uniformity [3, 5]. According to expert data, over the past 5 years, area of all types of urban spaces in the Ukraine increased average at 3 times, and in cities and industrial centers of Donbass and Dnieper – at 5 times [2]. The idea to confirm or deny this assertion by analyzing of statistics. The aim of research – to determine real situation about spaces of settlements according to administrative regions of theUkraine and their dynamics for further use in the regional landscape planning. Materials and methods of research. For analyze of dynamics of urban spaces areas were benefited forms of state statistical reporting green economy for the 2012-2014-th years. Were involved statistical and comparative research methods. Results and discussion. According to statistics, the total area of spaces and spaces of limited use in theUkraine within three years of research were consistently decreased. Slightly was increased in 2013 area of spaces of general use and for special purposes, but in 2014 all categories of spaces lowered their area compared to 2012. During 2013 the total area of spaces in the Ukraine was decreased by 27.2 thousand. ha. Remained unchanged the total areas in 9 regions: Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk,Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy and Chernihiv. Slightly increased the total area of spaces in 10 regions (maximum of 2.6 thousand. ha in Mykolayiv, 1.8 thousand. hectares in Zaporozhye and 1.3 thousand. ha inKharkov), were decreased - in the Crimea (5.9 thousand. ha) and 5 regions: Lviv (20 thousand. ha),Donetsk(8.1 thousand. ha), Kyiv (on76.6 ha), Rivne (28.1 ha),Sumy(11,4 ha). There are no urban forests at the settlements of six regions (Kherson, Ternopil, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Zakarpattya and Volyn) and Crimea. The largest number of them (respectively 35.59, 21.61 and 13.99 thousand. ha) are concentrated inDonetsk, Zhytomyr and Kharkiv regions. In 9 regions the numbers of urban forests are less than one thousand. ha, in 5 - ranges from 1 to 8.5 thousand. ha. Positive dynamics is not found in any of regions. In 2014 has decreased by half urban forest area in Dnipropetrovsk region. Green spaces of limited use are more common inDonetskand Dnipropetrovsk regions (respectively 19.2 and 14.1% of its total in the country). In other regions its distribution ranges between 0.2 and 0.3% in Ternopil and Chernivtsi to 7.1 and 6.6% inKievandVinnitsaregions. The largest number of spaces for special purposes is concentrated in Dnipropetrovsk region (21,442.6 haor 20% of the total in Ukraine), Donetsk(17.2%), Odessa(10.4%) regions. In other regions is concentrated from 0.2 (Chernivtsi) to 8.8% (Luhansk). Fig. 8 shows provision by all spaces and spaces of common use of residents in order of decreasing value of the last index. The availability by spaces is very uneven, ranging from 602.3 m2 / people in Lugansk, 226.4 in Donetsk and 196.6 in Khmelnytsky to 20.7 in Chernivtsi and 16.3 in Ternopil region. The areas of spaces for common use ranges from242.8 m2/ people in Lugansk,71.5 inPoltava, Kharkiv 50.7 to 6.9 and3.2 inChernivtsi region, that is not enough. Conclusions and prospects. 1. During the 2013 the total area of spaces inUkrainewas decreased by 27.2 thousand. ha. In the 2014-th, all categories of spaces were lowered its area compared to 2012. 2. The maximum quantity of spaces for public use and a total area of spaces marked for Lugansk region, which in the 2013-th was accounted 29.9% of all spaces for public use in theUkraine. The smallest (0.2-0.3%) public spaces are concentrated in Zakarpattia, Rivne, Ternopil,Khersonand Chernivtsi regions. 3. The greatest quantity of spaces for limited use is marked inDonetskand Dnipropetrovsk regions (respectively 19.2 and 14.1% of the total in the country). 4. The largest quantity of spaces for special purposes is concentrated in Dnipropetrovsk,DonetskandOdessaregions (respectively 20, 17.2 and 10.4% of the total inUkraine). 5. Supply of greenery by spaces is uneven by regions and varies tenfold. Considered situation is suggesting to thought about urgent need to return to professional development of comprehensive long-term plans of greening of the country. We consider it appropriate to include park-gardening brunch in the environmental field structure, however, as a forestry.

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