
Hypovolemia of various etiologies remains one of the leading problems in the practice of intensive care, the physician challenges in daily practice. Treatment of hypovolemia is elimination of the causes of fluid loss and fluid resuscitation. For this reason, the quantity and quality of infusion therapy remains actuality and discuss. Treatment of hypovolemia includes crystalloids and colloids. In cause of many reasons, crystalloids cannot fully satisfy the needs of clinicians. The main disadvantage of this group of solutions is their limited ability to maintain blood pressure (BP) and other hemodynamic parameters due to a shorter time in the bloodstream and low volemic effect. This prompts ongoing research into the efficacy and safety of colloid solutions that do not penetrate the endothelial barrier and have expressed plasma-expansion effect. However, these drugs have a number of contraindications and limitations in use. The hydroxyethyl starch drugs are most unclear in the “effectiveness-safety” meaning. The artical includes data from recent studies on the effectiveness and safety of the use of various infusion drugs. The main focus is on HES-containing drugs. In particular, investigation on the expediency of using drugs based on the HES of Coordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedures – human, (CMDh), which is a medicines regulatory body representing the European Union (EU) Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) in chronological order with the final decision of CMDh on the issue. The article also represents the actions and decisions of a similar ukrainian organization – State Enterprise “State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. The use of drugs based on HES molecules in Ukraine was analyzed, and it was found that in 46% this group of drugs was not used accordingly indications.

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