
The need to assess the technological systems for biogas production is due to the need to determine their operational, technological, technical, economic and design characteristics. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the operational indicators of the reliability of equipment for flow-technological lines of biogas plants. The main element of the technological equipment for biogas production, which provides the quantitative and qualitative composition of nutrients in the storage bins of biogas plants, is drum grinders - mixers, the hourly performance of which determines the cycle of the flow-technological line. All other technological operations must be coordinated with the main one in terms of quality indicators, rhythm of work and productivity. To assess the operational and technological characteristics, it is advisable to use productivity, flow rate and reliability. The reliability of flow-technological lines of biogas plants, which is the result of the operation of the entire complex of technological equipment, depends not only on the reliability indicators of these machines and their interaction processes, but also on the number and type of their connections. A comprehensive indicator of the reliability of a biogas production line is the availability factor. The main methods of increasing the reliability of biogas plant lines are: reducing the total amount of equipment in the technological line; use of equipment with higher reliability; unloaded and loaded redundancy of less reliable equipment; creation of multi-section systems. It has been established that the organizational and technological reliability of stream biogas production processes is ensured by choosing a rational structure and quantitative composition, as well as coordinating equipment in bioenergy complexes and technological lines according to basic parameters, taking into account their statistical features.

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