
The article examines the problem of introducing the project method into the educational practice of higher education. It considers the possibilities of the project method for the formation of practice-oriented educational results during the subject mathematical training of students of University of Economics. The article presents an example of project assignment for the formation of an optimal deposit portfolio, included in the bachelor's thesis, master's thesis in the direction of «Economics». The implementation of project assignment requires graduates to have a sufficient high level of mathematical competence as practice-oriented result of mathematical training. A comparative analysis of the results of pedagogical experiment was carried out to study the influence of experimental learning (case-tasks, project-type tasks) during the mathematical training on the level of formation of components of mathematical competence. The Pearson criterion and G-criterion of signs were used to confirm statistical reliability of experimental results. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of project-based learning for the development of practice-oriented educational results that ensure the formation of experience of professional decision-making.

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