
The article contains the results of the study of the educational process in the higher military school from the standpoint of the environmental approach. The educational environment of a military higher educational institution is considered as a combination of several local environments - educational environments of faculties. The article presents the results of the study of two local environments of a military university: the main faculty, which trains Russian cadets and military personnel of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and a special faculty, organized for the training of foreign students from countries of near and far abroad. The results of diagnostics of the selected environments are described, which is based on the methods of vector modeling and examination of the psychological and pedagogical organization of the educational environment of V.A. Yasvin school, adapted by the authors for the task of studying the environment of a higher military educational institution. The purpose of the statistical study was to classify the local environments of the main and special faculties of a military university to a certain type, as well as to find and compare the corresponding diagnostic environmental parameters. To implement the typologization, a technique was used based on the assumption that the type of environment is determined by the conditions and capabilities of the educational organization in relation to the development of the student's activity and independence, the diagnostic parameters of the environment characterize the student's development capabilities. As a result of the study for each studied educational local environment of a military university the type was determined and the values of diagnostic parameters were calculated, among which conditionally determined and variable parameters of the environment were identified. It is shown that the local environments of the main and special faculties are of different types, which, from the standpoint of the environmental approach, allows us to conclude that there is a need for a separate design of educational activities for these two faculties. The characteristic environmental parameters, low values of which show the need to correct the content of environmental structural components, in particular, by designing the organization of the educational process using information technologies and using innovative methods of selecting the content of education, have been identified.

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