
The article is devoted to the study of potential difficulties and prospects that reveal themselves during the implementation of distance learning in the field of mass higher education (level: bachelor’s degree). This task is implemented on the basis of studying the results of a survey conducted among students of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev (Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Foreign Languages). The analysis of the respondents' answers allows us to conclude that behind the didactic, methodological and technological difficulties that students most often face, there are problems associated with changes in the socio-anthropological characteristics of students caused by the transition of the traditional type of education to a distance format and the cardinal transformation of the learning situation and the accompanying transformation of role models that this transition entails. Also, the analysis of the respondents’ answers allows us to identify a number of invaluable opportunities provided by the distance learning format (the most important of which are the possibility of individualization of learning and the possibility of personalization of pedagogical interaction), and, as a result, to raise the question of the conditions for the implementation of the identified promising potential of distance learning in real teaching practice.

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