
Market relations and the world market competitiveness highlight the necessity to analyze strategic priorities of the state economic security. The methods of evaluation and the tools of economic security improvement in the high-tech economic sector are important. The necessity of public management in the industry of the global high-tech engineering is caused by the features of the industry and its goal to ensure the state economic security. The analysis of Ukrainian and foreign experience reveals that internal and external environment instability influences the developmental parameters of the industry significantly. The purpose of the study is to determine the strategic priorities of high-tech industries development based on the experience of Zorya-Mashproekt Gas Turbine Research and Development Complex. The methods of retrospective and strategic analyses, the study of global market of serial gas turbine engines, and the analysis of technological and organizational managerial decisions made by the enterprise allowed the authors to rationale the model of strategic management of a public enterprise. As a result, the competitiveness of the enterprise’s products in the world high-tech industries market is justified. Considering that Zorya-Mashproekt Gas Turbine Research and Development Complex is an enterprise, which ensures Ukrainian national security, inexpediency of its urgent privatization is rationalized as well. The technical and technological methods used by the enterprise to increase the production capacity and turbine export are analyzed. The authors determine such principles of possible privatization of the strategic enterprise as the effective controlling interest owned by the government; keeping and increasing the production capacity of the enterprise to promote the image of a strategic Ukrainian business entity; implementation of the enterprise profile activity under the government control, regarding its accountability and shared responsibility to prevent possible white collar crimes. Such an approach would allow the enterprise to keep a balance of governmental interests and high-tech market conditions. The necessity of the governmental financial aid for the high-tech economic sector, including Zorya-Mashproekt, is rationalized. The strategic elements of the development of high-tech industries in Ukraine are determined.

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