
This article discusses the structure of all-Russian national identity and the role of ethnocultural competence in its formation. The author analyzes the regulations that govern the state national policy of Russia, and the results of scientific research in the field of interethnic relations and the construction of identities. The multiculturalism of Russian society, which has developed as a result of the country’s historical development, requires citizens to be able to build a peaceful and constructive interethnic dialogue. Along with this, the state faced the task of consolidating the ethnic communities living in Russia into a single nation. Ethnocultural competence in this article is seen as a set of personal qualities that allow a person to establish successful interethnic communication. It can contribute to the solution of this task, if considered as a necessary condition for the formation of an all-Russian national identity and, therefore, one of the important focuses of the educational system. References Artemenko, O.I. 2006. Formirovanie identichnostey v mnogonatsionalnom rossiyskom obschestve: rol shkolnogo obrazovaniya [The formation of identities in multinational Russian society: the role of school education]. Vestnik rossiyskoy natsii, 3 (48): 24–41. Danilyuk, A.Ya., A.M. Kondakov, and V.A. Tishkov. 2009. Kontseptsiya duhovno-nravstvennogo razvitiya i vospitaniya lichnosti grazhdanina Rossii [The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia]. Moscow: Prosveschenie. Kuzmin, M.N. 1998. Polietnichnost rossiyskogo obschestva i zadachi sistemyi obrazovaniya kak instrumenta modernizatsii Rossii [The multi-ethnicity of Russian society and the tasks of the education system as a tool for modernizing Russia]. Moscow: INPO. Poshtareva, T.V. 2007. Formirovanie etnokulturnoy kompetentnosti uchaschihsya v polietnicheskoy obrazovatelnoy srede [Formation of ethnocultural competence of students in a multi-ethnic educational environment]. PhD diss., Drobizheva, L.M. 2009. Rossiyskaya identichnost v Moskve i regionah [Russian identity in Moscow and the regions]. Moscow: Institut sotsiologii RAN; MAKS Press. Tishkov, V.A. 2010. Rossiyskiy narod: kn. Dlya uchitelya [Russian people: a book for the teacher]. Moscow: Prosveschenie.

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