
The article deals with a study in the field of mapping general education in Moscow and exploringits structure. It is an important topic in studying the modern lifestyle of the city and it needs constant updating data, creating interactive maps with the most accessible information and proper design. If there is a certain amount of sites providing such materials, it is not always easy to get a comprehensive assessment (a set of information) on all secondary educational institutions in Moscow. The principles and methods of creatingtheir database presented in the article, just like information and cartographic system created on their basis enabled solving this task. The developed information and cartographic system “Educational institutions of Moscow” is represented inan interactive map, the information on the school system structure and the process of rearranging the educational institutions; their lists for each administrative district, cartographic images and additional statistical information on them. As a result, information was collected on 750 schools in the city of Moscow, a set of indicators characterizing the infrastructure of a secondary educational institution as a whole was formed, and a series of maps was created for a number of city districts.

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