
The data obtained as a result of the work performed give an idea of the pharmaco-toxicological characteristics of the hygienic preparations "Gikor-P", as well as "Gikor-D". Experiments conducted to study the chronic and acute characteristics of these drugs showed their low danger when affecting the body of animals belonging to warm-blooded animals. The vehicles are classified as the fourth hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76. As can be seen from the studies conducted, these hygiene products do not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin when exposed to them. For example, 15 minutes after these drugs hit the conjunctiva, there are no noticeable changes in the iris, the cornea remains unclouded, and there is no chymotosis. After getting the drugs on the udder nipple immediately after the end of milking, they form a transparent film that has a bluish tint. It is able to persist until the next milking. Based on the results of a scientific and economic experiment, it can be concluded that in animals from the 2 experimental group, the skin on the teats of the udder was inflamed in 29 animals (this is 23.4%). Another 15 subjects (this is 12.1%) had an inflamed mammary gland. As for the animals from the 3 experimental group, here inflammation was noted on the nipples of 36 cows (this is 26.3%). Another 15 subjects (10.9%) had mastitis. Hygiene products were not applied to the udder teats of the animals from the control group. The results were as follows: the skin on the teats of the udder became inflamed in 34 cows (this is 30.4%). Another 14 animals (this is 12.5%) fell ill with mastitis. In cows from the 1st group ("Gikor-P" and "Gikor-D"), having inflammation on the skin of the udder teats before the use of hygiene products, after 3-6 oiling of the teats, their skin became softer. Those wounds and cracks that were on the nipples, gradually healed (about 4-7 days). The milking process was less bothered by the cows, while there was an increase in milk productivity by 1-2 liters. The film on the udder, resulting from the application of drugs, is washed off with ordinary water before milking. Then you need to wipe the udder with a dry towel. No changes in color, taste, or smell were observed in the milk produced.

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