
it is represented the Lukacs’ conception of revolution totality as deconstruction of capitalism. Lukacs shows, based on the Marx conception of surplus value, that the calculation of the social required working time as a standard for evaluation of labour on production is the basis of rational calculation and the result is the reduction of the time category to the space category. It means that the amount of working time becomes equivalent to the amount of goods produced, that is the source of the odjectification of human consciousness and social relations as a whole. Thus, the laws of production become objective, “natural” character, extending to all spheres of society, while hiding the truth that the capitalist system based on the violence. Irrationality is an integral part of the development of capitalism, and it exists as “displaced”, whereas rationality as an ideological form of capitalism demonstrated and rooted in the culture and life of society. Capitalist irrationality is that man is unable to see the totality of capitalism and the artificial role assigned to him in this system, which sets the prerequisites for the formation of the ideology of capitalism. The inability to take a holistic view of reality, that is, to understand it as a specific totality, is the basis of capitalist ideology, where there is always a place of accident that makes itself known in unforeseen crises and failures of the system. Lukach problems a special type of cultural subject, who being between rationality and irrationality of capitalism, is able to realize its violent nature and undermine the foundations of capitalist culture. The class consciousness of the proletariat opens up an opportunity to take the point of view of totality, i.e. to see the world as a whole, rather than as an isolated, fragmented, random series of singularities. Having realized itself as a class, the proletariat, being the subject-object of history, is able to combine the practice of revolution and the theory of philosophy as a condition of radical changes.

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