
The article consider the ways of strategic development of cinema chains on time of negative impact of crises. The purpose of the article is to investigate the impact of external threats caused by the crisis on the cinemas chains in Ukraine. Analyze their weaknesses and develop proposals for ways to develop cinema networks in the post-crisis period based on SWOT analysis. Studied change in cinema chain`s market of Ukraine in context of «coronacrises» in 2020–2021 and martial law in early 2022 based on box-office`s indicators. Marked the specifics of the corrections marketing strategy of cinema chains in crises. Specific actions at the communication, organizational, financial and service levels of adaptation of marketing strategy to new conditions are outlined. The new weaknesses – advertising budget optimization and threats such as decreased purchasing power of visitors, physical reduction in the number of movie theaters due to the destruction of the war, internal migration is a decrease in the number of urban population, changing the tastes of visitors, produced by the new reality, were singled by the SWOT-analysis method. Thus, it was formed the practice recommendations for future development of cinema chains. Based on this results we recommended to cinemas choose the «Maxi-mini» strategy. It consist of mix of strength and weaknesses. Decrease in the purchasing power of visitors the cinema chains should changes in their pricing policy. To attract and support the internally displaced persons who may become new visitors, cinemas should do charity shows. The physical reduction in the number of cinemas due to the devastation of the war is severely damaging the cinema network. After the war, it will be possible to rebuild damaged buildings by receiving reparations. Already at this stage there is an under-standing that the genre preferences of visitors will change. In our opinion, the advantages will be comedy films, as well as increased attention to domestic cinema and stars. Therefore, this threat should be carefully investigated, which films will be in demand and amplify them by organizing parties, meetings with film crews.

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