
The main subject of this paper are the possible ways of forming the concept of illusion (māyopamavada) in the philosophy of Madhyamaka. A special place in this process is occupied by the early prajñāpāramitā sutras. One of the objects of research is the prajñāpāramitā Sutra “Ratna-guna-samcaya-gāthā” (“Prajñāpāramitā in Verses about the Accumulation of Precious Qualities”). Due to the Prajñāpāramitā texts, the Buddhist idea of the illusionary existence became an essential part of the far Eastern culture and art. On the example of “Ratna-guna-samcaya-gāthā”, we can see the dynamics of the concept of “illusory world” how it was formed in the Prajñāpāramitā texts. As an example of further development of the concept and its application to the philosophical ideas of Madhyamaka, are used individual texts of Nāgārjuna (“Ratnāvalī”, “Yuktiṣāṣṭika”, “Lokātīta-stava”). Some variants of the issues of reference and designation (namely, the need to correlate the reference, denotate and designate with the object, and in turn, with the localization of the intensional, i.e., the meaning of the concept and the extensional one) are compared as in modern logic and the solutions, proposed by madhyamikas. The new approach to the study of Madhyamaka as a “philosophy of language” suggests very promising opportunities for study of both logical and philosophical heritage of Nāgārjuna and its connection with the entire previous prajñāpāramitā tradition. The Appendix contains a translation of the seven final chapters (XXVI–XXXII) of “Ratna-guna-samcaya-gāthā” from Sanskrit and Tibetan into Russian.

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