
As demand for electricity grows significantly, the main drivers of new capacity are the disposal of older, less efficient fossil fuel units; the near-term prospect of having tax credits for renewable energy; and long-term reductions in capital costs for renewable energy, especially solar photovoltaic. Low natural gas prices and favorable renewable energy costs make natural gas and renewable energy the main sources of new generation capacity by 2050. The main purpose of the scientific article is to cover the main problems of the electricity market of Ukraine, to analyze the process of promotion of green energy, to highlight the cases when the transition to alternative sources is a profitable process, in the context of uncertainty and rising prices for traditional energy sources. The article uses a number of general scientific and specific research methods, including methods of analysis and synthesis, scientific deduction and induction. The practical significance of the research is to develop recommendations for improving the state's regulatory function in the field of alternative energy. The large-scale introduction of non-traditional renewable energy in Ukraine will make a significant step in reducing the country's energy dependency, protecting the environment and creating the conditions for a country to join the European community. The scientific novelty is to study the stimulation of energy production using alternative sources, to study the creation of favorable economic conditions for the construction of alternative energy facilities, the development of a "green" economy and to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine. Conclusions and prospects for further research. In Ukraine, the alternative energy sector is developing slowly, but some structural shifts are noticeable, though far from planned. Many small and medium-sized enterprises have already installed solar panels in order to reduce the cost of production and generate additional profits. Further research requires the search for tools and mechanisms in the RES incentive system, with an assessment of the economic impact of their use, using modeling and forecasting methods and models. Keywords: electricity market, energy efficiency, energy intensity of the economy, renewable energy, green tariff

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