
The study of the immediate and long-term results of surgical treatment of diseases of the stomach, conducted by many authors, shows that a certain number of patients have a number of functional and organic disorders that not only reduce the quality of life of the patient, but can also cause disability or even death. It is considered that one of the most important pathogenetic factors in the development of the disease of the operated stomach is a way to restore gastroin-testinal continuity. A major role is played by the elimination of the pylorus and duodenal passage, which “is, - as Ivan Petrovich Pavlov wrote, a grave violation of the unity of the digestive system.” Currently in the literature there are more than 70 names and terms denoting the manifestation of the disease of the operated stomach: dumping syndrome, afferent loop syndrome, agastral asthenia, hypoglycemic syndrome, etc. However, it should be recognized that all of them reflect only a part of the problem are postgastrectomy and postgastrectomy disorders. The importance of this problem is also due to the fact that in some patients, after gastrectomy, severe digestive disorders develop, leading in almost 25% of cases to permanent disability. In this case, often the only possible method of treatment is reconstructive surgery performed at various times after the initial intervention.

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