
The article defines the features of strategic management of competitiveness of life insurance companies (LICs). It is specified that the development of insurance and the need to protect people from the increasing impact of various risks associated with their livelihood, such as loss of income as a result of loss of human ability to work or the death of a family breadwinner, have led to the emergence of life insurance companies. It is noted that any decisions aimed at ensuring competitive advantages are risky, since they are based on the inability to accurately predict how the competitive environment will affect the company’s actions. The competitiveness management strategy of a LIC should take into account how likely its relationship with the competitive environment is, as this significantly increases the level of uncertainty in the management process and creates a risk that the company will lose in competition. A model of strategic management of the competitiveness of a LIC has been developed, which is closely related to the managerial qualities of its activities, that is, it provides for a certain complex that has: components of management, strategic goals, tactical tasks of management. An algorithm for assessing the level of management of the competitiveness of LICs has been proposed, which is based not only on the assessment of the competitive position through the efficiency of management, but also reflects the effectiveness of the insurance company’s activities in the formation of competitive advantages in the process of struggle for effective demand, taking into account the conditions of the insurance market and the needs of consumers. It is concluded that one of the important conditions for effective strategic management of competitiveness of life insurance companies is the study of the insurance market and determination of the competitive status of the company in it. Assessment of the level of competitiveness of a LIC is mandatory for all market participants who seek to maintain their place or increase their competitiveness. It is proved that managing the competitiveness of a life insurance company is a priority direction of the organization’s management, since it determines the company’s ability to exist in the market.

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