
The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of autovenous plasty for thumb replantation. From 2014 to 2021, the Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (Dushanbe) performed 18 thumb replantations and revascularizations, with 8 (44.4%) patients having complete traumatic thumb amputation and one patient undergoing replantation using autovenous plasty for primary fusion of the metacarpophalangeal joint. After the surgical interventions, 94.4% of patients showed positive results, including 7 patients (39%) with completely engrafted replanted parts preserving thumb function, whereas one patient (5.6%) demonstrated signs of ischemia of the replanted part of the thumb. Thus, in the case of crushed and avulsion traumatic amputations with damaged anatomical structure of a large part of the vascular-nervous bundle and virtually no chances for successful replantation, radial digital autovenous plasty allows expanding the indications for thumb eplantation, which is critical for the hand function.

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