
This work is debatable and is devoted to revealing the methodological flaws of scientific research, often observed in Russian-language scientific periodicals. With the conclusion of an effective contract, the teaching staff of universities is artificially stimulated to scientific and publishing activities, which increases the relevance of the study of mental actions performed by young scientists to obtain new scientific knowledge. In this context, the question arises as to whether the researcher obtained new scientific knowledge as a result of committed methodological errors, committed research negligence. Using the example of a single article devoted to the application of a systematic approach to the Industrial Internet of Things, the author highlights a number of methodological flaws and reveals the importance of the depth of the literature review as a key characteristic of the accumulation of basic knowledge. The author also emphasizes the importance of a clear definition of the subject and object of the study, and recommends describing the research methodology not only in a single paragraph, but more specifically in relation to each stage and section of the study. In order to reveal the methodological flaws of scientific research, the author has to return to the definition of scientific methodology, system analysis and the industrial Internet of things. Using the example of a specific work, the author emphasizes the need for a strict and clear application of general scientific research methods, as well as the importance of a depth review of the literature, which should not reflect the subjective ignorance of the scientist. The author also emphasizes the danger of changing the direction of scientific research regarding the specialty of higher education of a young scientist, which can lead to confusion of subjective and objective ignorance due to a superficial review of the literature

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