
One of the reasons for the insufficient solving of crimes is the complex of issues in the sphere of criminal record. Since, thesolving and investigation of crimes is considered to be an investigational-perceptional activity, the important role should becarried out by the informational support of this activity, rational organizing and adequate usage of information, which isconcentrated in criminalistics records. When identifying the prioritive directions of the development of the modern system ofcriminalistics record, we’ve pointed out the record of features and characteristics of individuals that have committed a crime asthe aim and purpose of our research. In this context we’ve scrutinized a number of issues on: the state of the scientificdevelopment of the theory for criminalistics record, the genesis and development of criminalistic records, identifying the place ofthe record system in terms of the informational support of criminalistic investigation activity, the legal issues on conductingregistration of crimes and directions of using criminalistic records, the issue of automated record etc. The following tasks havebeen stipulated: to scrutinize the preconditions of reform of the criminal record; scrutinizing the objects of criminalistic record,particularly the record of features and characteristics of individuals that have committed a crime; the analyses of the existingsystem of data gathering; developing ways of improving the existing forms of criminalistic record etc. One of the objects of thecriminalistic record is the individual who has committed a crime. It is preconditioned by the fact that in the mechanism of crimethis individual happens to take a central position – without the subject there is no crime. Thus, the center of attention of lawenforcers in case of crime committing is the individual. It has been pointed out that the criminalistic research of the individual that has created a crime has a significant meaning not only for the sake of full, overall and impartial investigation of a crime andfurther argumented punishment but also happens to be the precondition for implementing effective preventive work on crimeprevention, the successful implementation of the main means of correction and resocialization of inmates and the assurance oflegal rights and interests of this individual, the adherence to law. When concluding the abovementioned it has been suggested toestablish an automated working facility (i.e, a separate one adapted for the judge, the investigation judge, the investigator, theoperative worker, lawyer, prosecutor etc), which due to algorithms in terms of activity will allow to compensate the lack andinsufficiency of knowledge among the law enforcers with regard to the criminal record. This would facilitate the increase ofeffectiveness of using information, concentrated and presented in criminalistic records. The necessity to improve the existingforms of criminalistic record by reflecting information on individual features, traits and characteristics of the individual of thecriminal have been stipulated, with the further aim to use them in order to achieve the tasks of preliminary investigation, thecorrection and resocialization of inmates, the adaptation after gaining freedom and the prevention of crimes.

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