
초록·키워드 목차 오류제보하기 This study aims to explore the meaning and role of laughter and crying in the communication process among the nonverbal expressions in Chekhov"s works. As a means of nonverbal communication, we first examine the type, function, and role of laughter and crying and analyze the meaning and features of both of these nonverbal expressions in Chekhov"s works. Laughter and crying, like other nonverbal acts of communication, are a means of reflecting one"s psychological or emotional state and expressing one"s thoughts and attitudes. The author made use of verbs that represent various stages and intensity of laughter and crying according to the context of communication and showed more clearly the feelings and emotional expressions of the characters. In human communication, nonverbal behavior accounts for more than verbal behavior and is important in conveying any message. In this regard, active multidisciplinary research on nonverbal communication is required. #비언어적 의사소통(nonverbal communication) #안톤 체호프(Anton Chekhov) #웃음(laughter) #울음(crying) 1. 서론2. 이론적 배경3. 체호프 작품 속에 나타난 비언어적 의사소통 수단으로서 웃음과 울음의 의미 분석4. 결론참고문헌

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