
One of the main directions of confectionery industry development consists in thedevelopment of new products for dietary and functional purposes, which provide the requiredamount of biologically active substances in the daily diet. In modern conditions there is a lackof necessary macro- and micronutrients, which leads to reduced immunity, poor health,increase in the number of diseases and reduced quality of life. The main purpose of the studyis scientific substantiation of the technology of flour confectionery with the use of vegetablepuree, as it occupies a special place in the diets of people of different categories and agegroups. The works of domestic and foreign scientists are theoretical and methodologicalbases of the study.It has been studied that vegetable puree contains higher polysaccharides: fiber andpectin, which can play the role of functional substances in the technologies of flour confectionery production. At the same time, puree is an effective source of vitamins andminerals; its use can significantly increase the biological value of the cake.The article presents the results of the study of chemical composition of the developedproduct and the control sample, and finds that the products of new recipe have a slightlylower caloric content, and slightly differ in the content of vitamins and minerals from thebasic recipe. In addition to the development of the recipe, the technology of production ofcakes "Chornobryvets" is proposed.It has been found that the addition of vegetable puree to the composition of spongecakes improves organoleptic properties of the products.The results of the research allow us to draw conclusions on the feasibility of usingpumpkin and spinach puree in the technology of flour confectionery. It is found that theaddition of vegetable puree to the recipe of sponge cakes does not require a significantchange in the manufacturing process.The results of the study can be useful for nutritionists, scientists, teachers, students ofhigher educational institutions who master the specialty "Food Technologies", etc.

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