
The process of formation of the general professional competencies of future teachers is the subject of research by many domestic and foreign scientists, which come down to the updating of general professional competencies, the study of their essence and content, become the subject of planning in documents of state and strategic importance, are reflected in the development strategies of domestic and foreign education systems. The analysis of regulatory documents in the field of higher professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic and the analysis of the results of the final state certification of university graduates led to the conclusion that to date, a mechanism for assessing the level of competency formation is not sufficiently developed. A survey was conducted with employers, a conversation with schoolteachers, on the basis of which some facts were revealed that indicate a low level and even lack of formality of some competencies, from among both universal and professional competencies. Over the past five years, the task of effective innovative functioning of the domestic system of higher professional education has been positioned with particular acuteness, which is associated with a number of different reasons that inevitably occur at the educational level. And the requirements of employers to improve the quality of higher professional education and to carry out high-quality training of graduates from year to year become a leading guideline not only for employers, but also for consumers in the format of state and social orders. Sources are analyzed that made it possible to focus on the problems of teacher education that exist both in the domestic system and in the countries of the post-Soviet space. For the formation of the general professional competencies of future history teachers, it is important to develop modern mechanisms for implementing this process that would meet the requirements of the basic skills of the 21st century in the context of person-centered education throughout life.

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